February Chamber Breakfast

There was a big roll up for our first Breakfast for 2022. The theme was a Chamber Update- The Year Ahead. Muswellbrook’s new Mayor, Steve Reynolds also gave a brief introduction of himself and outlined his, and councils plan, to have greater collaboration with the Chamber.

MCCI Winner at Hunter Business Awards

We are proud to announce that Muswellbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry was the winner of the Outstanding Local Chamber award at the recent Hunter Business Awards. Thank you to all our members and supporters in assisting us to make the Chamber the success that it is, and for making this recognition possible.

November Chamber Breakfast

Great roll up for our first Chamber Breakfast since lockdowns. Theme for the breakfast was around tourism and an announcement on a proposed Upper Hunter Regional Museum to be located in Muswellbrook. One of the guest speakers was Glenn Caldwell from Destination Sydney Surrounds North.