April Chamber Breakfast
Very large turnout for the April Chamber Breakfast. Thanks to BHP Mt Arthur, Mangoola Coal, and MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operations, for providing an update on local Major Mining Projects.
Very large turnout for the April Chamber Breakfast. Thanks to BHP Mt Arthur, Mangoola Coal, and MACH Energy Mount Pleasant Operations, for providing an update on local Major Mining Projects.
Great turnout at at our March Breakfast where we heard from three local Innovative and Diverse businesses operating in Muswellbrook. Beacon Automation. Camel Milk NSW, and The Hunter App. Thanks to Muswellbrook Race Club for hosting the event.
There was a big turn out for our first Breakfast for 2021. A change to a covid 2q meter rule meant we could have the most attendees at a Breakfast we have had in twelve months.
Nominations/Entries are now open for the 2021 Muswellbrook Chamber’s Business Awards. Entries close on 1 March with judging taking place the week beginning 15 March. Our Gala Awards Presentation Dinner will be held on 16 April at the Muswellbrook RSL.
It was a full house for our last breakfast for 2020. The theme of the morning was around local community organisations where we heard from a number of presenters give an overview of their organisations as they support the less fortunate in the lead up to the Christmas period
This months Chamber Breakfast was themed on providing a Local Real Estate Market update. A number of Local Agents were invited to attend and give their assessment of the current market, trends over the last couple of years, and expectations for the market going forward.
As part of Small Business Month, the MCCI has produced a ‘Go Local First’ video. This will be followed by series of videos in the lead up to Christmas promoting the importance of Go Local First when doing your Christmas shopping.
The theme for October Chamber Breakfast was based around Small Business Month and Locals Supporting Locals.
This months Chamber Breakfast was again well attended, With Covid restrictions limited the numbers to 60, it meant that unfortunately a number of people had to miss out. The theme this month was a presentation by Muswellbrook Mayor Martin Rush on the Councils 2020/2021 Planning and Budget Overview.
The Chamber has been able to hold it first breakfast since March this year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the number of attendees had to be restricted to 60 and these were filled within 48 hours of being released with a further 20, that wished to attend, unfortunately missing out. The breakfast combined the Chamber’s AGM…